Our Approach to Extra-Curriculars
… So there we have it: our approach to our kids’ extracurriculars. Look, who knows what we’ll do if Robbie or Claire shows a real aptitude for a sport and wants to pursue it intensely. But that’s not something we want to encourage at these ages, so we’ll not worry about it unless or until we get there.
So You’re Expecting Your First Child
If the women who post prolifically on the internet - Instagram and Reddit in particular - are representative of most pregnant women and mothers across the country, I have had a very unusual last seven years.
On Robbie’s Graduation from Kindergarten
I was surprised to find myself crying when I dropped Robbie off at school for his last day of kindergarten…
On Core Memories
In an Instagram reel a few days ago, I said I thought that the idea that we can influence our kids’ core memories is bullshit…
Saturday evening, mid-April
We’re arrayed across the couch in our jamma jams - which is what Claire used to call pajamas; we have no idea why, as no one in our family calls them that, but she’s recently graduated to “PJs” and I’m grieving the loss of the uniquely toddler-Claire nomenclature - watching The Wizard of Oz, my father’s favorite movie…