LinkedIn Live Panel Discussion: The Crisis in Fundraising
Two weeks ago, I participated in a LinkedIn Live conversation hosted by The Nonprofit Hive on Unrealistic Expectations, Overloaded Roles: The Crisis in Fundraising. 178 people joined us in real time, which is incredible, and hundreds more have viewed the recording since it aired.
What’s in a Name (When You’re Jewish)?
When I was pregnant with the baby who turned out to be Robbie, I had a pretty short list of boys’ names I wanted Jon to consider.
With the exception of my grandfathers’ names, they were all both classic and Jewish - the two criteria by which I judged all possibilities outside of the immediate family options.
They weren’t too Jewish, though…
A Vow for After the Renovation
… Even before we decide, though, I am making a vow to myself: I will not shortchange the un-renovated parts of the house post-Phase 1, while we wait for Phase 2, like I have for the last five and a half years.
There’s a lot we’ve been tolerating about how we’ve decorated our house since we moved in. We knew we’d be making big changes eventually so, while I wanted to like anything we spent money on, I coasted on “oh, well, we’ll level up after the renovation” for far too long - and on too many silly things.
My Substack Subscriptions
... At the moment, here’s what’s speaking to me on Substack. I subscribe to each of these for $5/month. I love what each of these women bring to their spaces, from the profoundly personal to the thoroughly researched; often, the deep anthropological dives are inspired by their own struggles. I highly recommend all of them!